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Trip for Philanthropy; Combining Travel and Social Good

You become part of travel philanthropy on your holiday with us.

Our philanthropic vacations offer remembrance and restoration of humanity many of us are no longer practicing in our everyday lives.

When you book one of our trips, some amount from your package goes to our “Trip for Philanthropy” campaign.

It is a very source of our desire to go and to give in the first place because we believe giving and receiving naturally flows in both directions, which can come in many forms. Besides, “Trip for Philanthropy” is an effort from us to lend a helping hand to a world that needs much more of it.

We use certain proceeds from your trip to support aid and assistance to the society, which involves supporting schools in the remote mountain region, education of the underprivileged children, and the welfare of the physically disabled individuals. These innocent children are deprived of education rights simply due to financial complexities.

Our small courteous act could provide someone a better life prospect and plant seed in their lives that can help build a self-reliant future. Even be a simple smile on their faces, it is a currency that far exceeds anything we can calculate or measure.

In the wake of Nepal’s 2015 earthquake, brought great chaos in the life of people and all over the country.

We all jointly worked to build our country and were united to stand. So with the feelings of helping our Nepalese people, we also ran a relief campaign.

More or lesser we did what we can.

Above and beyond, we also step ahead in helping in preserving our culture where we donate some Traditional cultural dress and musical instruments to our local community.
Tourism certainly brings revenue and many benefits to the people of Nepal. But Good Travel promotes and facilitates trips combining travel and social good.

With a belief that the travel industry can be one of the world’s leading industries for social good, we hope to inspire people to be a partner in positive change.

Using travel as a means to give back, many consumers want to get involved in travel and do something,
With Community being helped and travel and social good going hand in hand, you get to have an authentic travel experience while doing some good.

A sense of synchronicity, not often found in our daily lives, is felt and we are left with a desire for more of it.

This will not only help the community but will also give us a sense of connection to humanity.

Hopefully, in the years to come with your support we would with conviction get to the most of it, which takes us closer to our one goal: Better places for people to live; better places for people to visit.

Join us and share our mission with a “Trip for Philanthropy Campaign” and become a part of Travel Philanthropy.